
Wholewheat Sourdough

You can use any type of sourdough starter in this recipe - liquid or dough. It's assisted by the 'porridge' of wholemeal flour prepared beforehand, through which an ideal food is made available for the sourdough yeasts to feed on.

Wholewheat Sourdough

Fifty fifty Sourdough

This delicious and deeply flavoursome bread is made using the dough starter sourdough (desem) technique. It's meant to be baked on the sole of the oven, and when you get it right, you should have a nice, open crumb - though it won't be as open as a dough made entirely on white flour. 

Fifty fifty Sourdough
DoughWarwick Quinton

Continental Bread

Continental Bread was one of my family's staple breads. There are numerous variations on the theme of a traditional yeasted sourdough recipe. I call them all 'Semi Leaven' breads, because they contain some sourdough starter and a tiny amount of yeast, which creates a light yet flavoursome bread, with the kind of crust that's typically Italian.

DoughWarwick Quinton
Continental Bread
DoughWarwick Quinton

Open Crumb White Sourdough

This White Sourdough bread recipe utilises the 'dough starter' sourdough method. If you don't have starter in the dough form, it can be purchased  This bread will happily be baked in a tin, or on the sole (hearth) of the oven.

DoughWarwick Quinton
Open Crumb White Sourdough

Basic White Sourdough

This basic white sourdough bread recipe will make two one kilo sourdough loaves. It is designed for liquid sourdough starter, but can be used with other types by simply keeping an eye on the liquid content when making the dough.

Basic White Sourdough